Archive for June, 2008

Traffic Dust, Interviews and Kiwi Fruits.
June 26, 2008


Okay so went for interview. Erh, I made them laugh but they don’t accept you based on how much you laugh sooooo.. I don’t know how much chance I stand or how much they like me, but at least I had fun huh? And I’m confident I did better than Lutton (‘Why do you want to go to VJ?’ ‘Erh, I dunno, why do you want me?’) But it went well for me I suppose, when they started smiling/laughing I relaxed A LOT, other people’s laughters really makes everything easier for me. O:

Jogged ALL THE WAY to 94 Jalan Tanggam. FWOAH Chingping, Fwoah. It was 40 minutes worth of jogging (there and back) came back after losing A LOT of sweat. Workout, workout.

Raaah, I feel extra guilty now because I put everything else in front of choir. :/ And I really want to help them at Open House but hey, being part of SuLaoShi’s demo class is also part of Open House, no? And I can’t make the afternoon shift too. Plus, guilt also comes from me missing today’s practice for the VJ interview. If I don’t get into VJ I am positive, I will join interact.

I am also positive that, I LOVE KIWI FRUITS (8 the green kindddd. And the way my maid cuts them is so cool, (probably tedious but cool) She PEELS the skin off and cuts them length-wise. FWOAH, usually I just cut them in half and dig with a spoon.

Right, so Imma go study history and then attempt to read a story from my chinese-frog-thingo book. :D


And We’ll Linger On.
June 21, 2008

Camp, ranking games, junior open.. tiring me out like nutzos.
Started off quite good and went into holycrappppp and then looked up a bit:
87, 89, 96, 99, 93. Best part of the 93 (other than improving at the end) is I played better on my back nine, 49 44. And I highly doubt my swollen ankle played a big part in screwing up my scores, so therefore it IS all my short game’s fault and its my responsibility to pull it up. At least i broke 100 on all attempts! (8

When you entrust loonies with driving a buggy, you will inevitably end up with an ACCIDENT. Screw you people lah, Greg gave us the R-word scare. <i>Resignation</i>. And all you did was laugh without apologies, well if he actually resigned, you people would get hell lah.

Suddenly into oldie-rock, ACDC, Eagles, Rolling Stones.. the latets modern(?) thing I got is David Cook and the Grey’s Anatomy music. :O I’m ageing!

Went out with Team: SEL again, watched Kungfu Panda. Was really really really funny. Got MORE free Zo cards :D and pasted some up on my wall. Remaining piece of homework: Restaurant Review is yet to be tackled sooooo wish me luck! I’m going for golf later but I wish Greg worked on short-game.


Mojo Red Sox On Motorboats.
June 11, 2008

Nike MOJO balls (8 cool yesssss. sheeny sheeny covering.

Red Sox! (8 WEEEEEEEEEEEHEEEEEE, watching baseball games are funnnnnnnn as in IN PERSON.
Fenway Park is extra cool. (8

Boston’s got motorboats (host’s) to go round to nice islands like Brown’s Island and to go start civil engineering by building dams to separate rock pools with 3 and 7 year-old kids (8 COOOOOOL.

Weather there is wayyyy nicer than Sg buttttt then i missed A LOT of stuff soooo, Sg wins hands-down? (8

Just CHIOOOOOOOOONGed the science report, but its ALREADY 4 days late so.. our grade isn’t very happy hm? Lost joy’s URL, soooo now lookylookying yo. Shoot.